Monday, 26 November 2007

Thor & Olive...

So this is Thor and Olive,brother and sister to little Phyllis!As you can see they are huge compared to her and are growing really fast,they look really healthy and will soon be the size of their dad Jim! :)

Thursday, 22 November 2007


So little Phyllis is now 2 1/2 months old and she's growing slowly!! Bless her she's such a cutie!
I've tried to take a picture from every angle,so you can see the odd shape of her shell,her bottom whorls have stopped growing so they look all compact and squashed together,so it's going to be very interesting to see how the rest of her shell will actually grow and fit in with the rest of it!?
Watch this space...........

Friday, 2 November 2007


So this is the latest addition to my snail family...
Meet Godzilla, he's an Achatina Iredalei,or sometimes known as the Albino land snail or the Golden Land snail.
I'm guessing he's about 2 months old,going by his size and I have only got the one of this species,as they are the only land snail to give birth to live young instead of eggs.So the Iredalei population could get rather out of control with 2 of them.
He's also my early Christmas present from my boyfriend!! Lucky me... :) x

Monday, 29 October 2007


So Phylis is 6 week old now and doing great!!
She's obviously still not growing at the same rate as her siblings but she has grown quite alot for her...I'm really pleased with how she's coming along!!
and she's a right speedy mover bless her!!

Friday, 19 October 2007


This is phylis....she's from the same batch as Thor and Olive but as you can see she's alot smaller and quite an odd shape! Her shell seems to be growing rather oddly and not as fast as the others.
Hopefully this won't affect her and she'll be able to live a normal snailie life....but time will tell!
Fingers crossed for little phylis :)

Fuli Babes.

These are Jims babies,Thor and Olive.
These two are staying and hopefully the rest will get rehomed anytime soon!
They're just over a month old now.. :)

Friday, 5 October 2007

Poor Vic...

So yesterday my other big Fuli Vic died...:(

He'd gone 2 months without eating and finally he gave up,bless him.
Really gutted as it was only last week that his brother Bob died..

Bless em original land snails..:(

Thursday, 27 September 2007


Bob died today....bless him,he was only 3 years old but one of my very first African Land Snails ,who I'd had since he was a week old!

Really sad......:(

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Hatchling snails!

Whoops! I missed a batch of eggs,laid by my Fulica Jim(naughty Jim).......They were already starting to hatch when I found them buried really deep in the substrate,so I froze the eggs that hadn't hatched yet and here's a pic of the 4 day old hatchlings that I've kept..although the photo only shows a few of them! There maybe around 30 in total but I haven't had a proper head
count yet!!

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Snail Book!

This arrived yesterday!!!..My belated birthday present to myself........
It cost me £38,but looks like it's worth every penny!

I bought it from NHBS online Book store.

Sunday, 26 August 2007

New Arrival!

This is Jim!! He arrived friday morning and he's so so cute!!
I decided to get another Fulica to keep Bob company,seen as Vic has been in intensive care for 3 weeks and we don't know if he'll make it or not!
So Jim is about 3-4 years old,but as you can see from the 2nd picture,he is alot smaller than Bob who is 3 years old!
So they're just getting to know each other....happy snails!! :)

Poorly Land Snail.

So Vic my biggest Fulica has been ill for the past 3 weeks! He's been looking on and off like this and hasn't eaten a thing.I give him warm baths to wake him up but he's just not interested in food and keeps retracting again.
He's also gone from weighing 11oz to just 7 1/2 oz.
So at the moment he's in a tank on his own,being kept extra warm,but not sure if he'll pull through or not :(

Saturday, 11 August 2007

Tiger update!

Just a quick update on my Tiger Snails....
They're growing nicely now, although Kebab is the biggest still,Donna has a bit of catching up to do!
They're loving cucumber at the moment and the odd piece of apple is a fave as well.They keep nibbling away at the cuttlefish as well to keep their shells growing. :)

Monday, 23 July 2007

Tiny tigers!

My new tiny tiger snail babies certainly have alot of growing to do! they are both sitting on a piece of cucumber...when fully grown,each one should have a shell measuring approx 14cm!!....
better get eating guys! :)

Friday, 20 July 2007

Tiger babies!

Look what arrived this morning! 2 gorgeous Tiger snail babies (achatina achatina).
Now named Donna & Kebab!

Sunday, 8 July 2007

More Garden Snails!

We've got a small family of garden snails living in a plant pot just outside our door! Here's one of them tucking into the lettuce that I've given them.........well it's better than them eating our chilli plants that we keep outside! :)

Technorati Profile

Friday, 6 July 2007

Snail Grub!

Here's Bob tucking into Yummy snail mix! Bought from the Snail Trail eBay shop,it consists of,sunflower kernels,hemp seed,oats,limestone flour and chicken mash.Soaked with a bit of water until it resembles porridge!
My GALS are 3 years old but this is the first time they've ever tried it and as you can tell it seems to going down rather well!
Yummy!! :)

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

More Snails!

Here as promised,more Land Snail photos!
Just woke them up for a bit of a clean out,Bob's the one trying to make the great escape whilst the lids off!(he didn't get very far,I didn't let him slime up the walls!).
I treated them to a new house decoration today,bought them a piece of mopani wood to crawl upon!Not sure they're that impressed with so far?!
will let you know!Also bought them a bigger water dish,so they can go paddling together(they love it).

Bob's the one nearest the camera in the bottom pic! :)

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Land Snail

Just a little snailie update! This is Vic on one of the rare occasions i see him awake,he's very shy! His brother is far more willing to pose for the camera,so will take a shot of Bob for my next post! :)

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Mucky Cow!!!

This is my lovely,normally ever so pristine white dog!!
Bless her the dirty bitch!! :)

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Garden snail!

How gorgeous is this little guy!!!!
(helix aspersa) That's the posh name for a garden snail! :)

Thursday, 7 June 2007


Check out this Huuuuge Hosta!!! :)

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Broken Finger!! GRRR!

Well it's been a whole week since i wrote my car off and broke my finger and I'm well and truly fed up now!!!! I'm bored of not been able to do anything,my boyfriend even has to tie my bloody shoe laces every morning before he goes to work!!(bless him)
I've had to move my computer mouse to the other side of the keyboard because I'm having to do everything left handed and typing with just your left hand is not very easy!!!!
Anyway i should stop moaning now,that's enough whining from me!! Bla bla bla :)

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

What a bugger!!

Wrote my car off today!!What a bugger eh! it landed on it's side and skidded down the road!oops! lucky me only came away with a broken finger and my dogs came out of it without a scratch as well!Thank God!! :)

Monday, 28 May 2007

Bank holiday!! & snails!

Strange way to spend the bank holiday i know! But i had great fun weighing and measuring my snails tonight! This is Vic who is 14 cm long and weighs 11 0z!
And HUGE thanks to my man who let me use his tools to measure him with :)
Got a chick pea curry on the hob now so a marvelous tea for a marvelous bank holiday!! :)

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Sunday lunch!

Excellent way to spend a sunday afternoon!:)

Saturday, 26 May 2007

Scary hand


Boyfriends car

First time blogging from my phone so it's just a test pic!

Friday, 25 May 2007

Giant African Land Snails

check out my slimey beauties Vic & Bob!!!! They're HUUGE!!